What's the Payout for a $250K Annuity?

Annuity Payout Details
The following monthly annuity payouts are based on a premium of $250,000 of registered
funds, providing a payout for life with no guarantee period. Payments will commence
How Much Does a $250,000 Annuity Pay Per Month?
Annuitant Age |
Investment Amount |
Monthly Payout Male |
Monthly Payout Female |
Monthly Payout Joint |
50 | $250,000 | $1132.39 | $1109.68 | $1043.47 |
51 | $250,000 | $1148.50 | $1122.21 | $1052.46 |
52 | $250,000 | $1165.51 | $1135.50 | $1062.02 |
53 | $250,000 | $1183.46 | $1149.59 | $1072.19 |
54 | $250,000 | $1202.44 | $1164.57 | $1083.01 |
55 | $250,000 | $1222.60 | $1180.46 | $1094.54 |
56 | $250,000 | $1240.71 | $1192.90 | $1102.40 |
57 | $250,000 | $1260.37 | $1206.59 | $1111.29 |
58 | $250,000 | $1281.42 | $1221.39 | $1120.99 |
59 | $250,000 | $1304.36 | $1237.71 | $1131.86 |
60 | $250,000 | $1329.03 | $1255.30 | $1143.70 |
61 | $250,000 | $1351.46 | $1274.34 | $1156.60 |
62 | $250,000 | $1376.21 | $1295.05 | $1170.80 |
63 | $250,000 | $1403.47 | $1317.57 | $1186.38 |
64 | $250,000 | $1433.14 | $1341.93 | $1203.43 |
65 | $250,000 | $1465.50 | $1368.37 | $1222.10 |
66 | $250,000 | $1497.07 | $1394.16 | $1239.74 |
67 | $250,000 | $1531.77 | $1422.28 | $1259.15 |
68 | $250,000 | $1569.54 | $1453.32 | $1280.77 |
69 | $250,000 | $1610.88 | $1487.32 | $1304.51 |
70 | $250,000 | $1655.66 | $1525.02 | $1330.86 |
71 | $250,000 | $1696.05 | $1545.44 | $1339.92 |
72 | $250,000 | $1740.74 | $1570.09 | $1352.08 |
73 | $250,000 | $1789.92 | $1599.56 | $1367.82 |
74 | $250,000 | $1844.18 | $1633.82 | $1387.08 |
75 | $250,000 | $1903.66 | $1673.50 | $1410.36 |
76 | $250,000 | $1977.95 | $1736.24 | $1453.77 |
77 | $250,000 | $2058.58 | $1805.15 | $1501.47 |
78 | $250,000 | $2145.93 | $1880.86 | $1553.93 |
79 | $250,000 | $2240.81 | $1963.82 | $1611.31 |
80 | $250,000 | $2343.60 | $2054.92 | $1674.18 |
Source: LifeAnnuities.com Inc. - Annuity Rates from BMO Insurance as of March 2025.