What's the Payout for a $100K Annuity?

Annuity Payout Details
The following monthly annuity payouts are based on a premium of $100,000 of registered
funds, providing a payout for life with no guarantee period. Payments will commence in one
How Much Does a $100,000 Annuity Pay Per Month?
Annuitant Age |
Investment Amount |
Monthly Payout Male |
Monthly Payout Female |
Monthly Payout Joint |
50 | $100,000 | $442.50 | $433.62 | $407.75 |
51 | $100,000 | $448.79 | $438.52 | $411.26 |
52 | $100,000 | $455.44 | $443.71 | $415.00 |
53 | $100,000 | $462.45 | $449.22 | $418.97 |
54 | $100,000 | $469.87 | $455.07 | $423.20 |
55 | $100,000 | $477.75 | $461.28 | $427.71 |
56 | $100,000 | $484.82 | $466.14 | $430.78 |
57 | $100,000 | $492.51 | $471.49 | $434.25 |
58 | $100,000 | $500.73 | $477.27 | $438.04 |
59 | $100,000 | $509.69 | $483.65 | $442.29 |
60 | $100,000 | $519.34 | $490.53 | $446.92 |
61 | $100,000 | $528.10 | $497.97 | $451.96 |
62 | $100,000 | $537.77 | $506.06 | $457.50 |
63 | $100,000 | $548.43 | $514.86 | $463.59 |
64 | $100,000 | $560.02 | $524.38 | $470.26 |
65 | $100,000 | $572.66 | $534.71 | $477.55 |
66 | $100,000 | $585.00 | $544.79 | $484.45 |
67 | $100,000 | $598.56 | $555.77 | $492.03 |
68 | $100,000 | $613.32 | $567.90 | $500.48 |
69 | $100,000 | $629.47 | $581.19 | $509.75 |
70 | $100,000 | $646.97 | $595.92 | $520.05 |
71 | $100,000 | $662.75 | $603.90 | $523.59 |
72 | $100,000 | $680.22 | $613.53 | $528.34 |
73 | $100,000 | $699.43 | $625.05 | $534.49 |
74 | $100,000 | $720.64 | $638.44 | $542.02 |
75 | $100,000 | $743.88 | $653.94 | $551.12 |
76 | $100,000 | $772.91 | $678.46 | $568.08 |
77 | $100,000 | $804.42 | $705.39 | $586.72 |
78 | $100,000 | $838.55 | $734.97 | $607.22 |
79 | $100,000 | $875.63 | $767.39 | $629.64 |
80 | $100,000 | $875.63 | $802.99 | $654.21 |
Source: LifeAnnuities.com Inc. - Annuity Rates from BMO Insurance as of March 2025.