Term Certain Annuity Rates

Term Certain Annuity

Best Canadian Term Certain Annuity Rates

LifeAnnuites.com provides the best life annuity rates in Canada. We quote from all the companies in Canada. The following rates are examples only. For specific annuity rates please use our Term Certain Annuity Quote Form.

Term Certain Annuity Rates

Term certain payments are based on the following factors:

  • Length of the Term: Generally 5, 10, 15 or 20 years.
  • Premium Amount: The amount invested in the annuity.
  • Interest Rates: Current interest rates at the time of the annuity purchase.
  • Company Factors: Administrative fees, profit margins, etc.

As a result: term certain income payments are the same for all ages for the same term and company.


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