What is the payout for a Million dollar annuity?
Enough to give you a world of options

Life Annuity rates are assessed via a set of variables:
- Province
- Gender [women live longer than men]
- Age
- Guarantee period [0, 10 or 20 years]
- Type of funds [registered or non-registered]
- Amount of the deposit
- Purchase date
- Income start date
Given the above parameters, you can use our trusty annuity calculator.
Million Dollar Annuity Illustration For A Male Aged 65
As of this writing today, a deposit of 1 million dollars to a life annuity, for a male taking the annuity at age 65, for a 10 year guarantee period:
Will pay out $5,261.04 a month FOR LIFE.
Or, $63,132.48 a year FOR LIFE.
View illustration: Million Dollar Annuity Illustration for a Male aged 65
Million Dollar Annuity Illustration For A Female Aged 65
As of this writing today, a deposit of 1 million dollars to a life annuity, for a female taking the annuity at age 65, for a 10 year guarantee period:
Will pay out $4,856.00 a month FOR LIFE.
Or $58,272.00 a year FOR LIFE.
View illustration: Million Dollar Annuity Illustration for a Female aged 65
Stay Healthy. Live Longer. Claire plans to do just that.
If Claire took the single life annuity option with a payout at age 65, Claire would outlive her million dollar investment by age 81 [calculations approximate, and based on current rates].
After age 81, Claire would STILL be collecting her $4,952.00/month annuity - these payments would now be BEYOND her original principal investment. Payouts would continue for the REST OF HER LIFE.
This is sound peace of mind.

Aren’t there better places to invest a million dollars? Jean-Pierre wants to know!
Yes. There probably are. If Jean-Pierre is willing to take the gamble so close to retirement.
And IF he knows what he is doing and can afford to lose some of that principal.
But he is a savvy investor. And he knows that the upside to other investment vehicles is the appreciation on his investment, via:
- Stock market: traditional stocks, indices, ETFs, etc.
- Long term GICs
- Real Estate investments
- Commodities: soft or hard [foods vs metals]
- Venture capital investments
- Misc and other speculative appreciation vehicles
Still, Jean-Pierre knows the above scenarios can be risky closer to retirement where there is no room for error.
The downside may not be what Jean-Pierre can emotionally tolerate as he moves into his retirement years.
Is he ready to take those risks? Is he prepared to expose his life savings to what could be a volatile market? Are any of us?
The Attractive Choice:

A life annuity!
A life annuity is not speculative.
Yes, it is true that you are trusting that you will live beyond a particular number of years to fully benefit from your investment, though guarantees are available.
But even if you do not, you are still GUARANTEED a certain amount every month for the REST OF YOUR LIFE, one that is NOT fixed to stock market fluctuations.
It is the safe option. It lets you plan your future.
You can SEE what that future might look like, years out:
It looks like FREEDOM.