Online Annuity Calculator

How Much Income Will I Receive?
To find out approximately how much guaranteed income you can expect to receive when you own a life annuity, simply use this easy online annuity calculator.
The great thing about life annuities here in Canada is that the income you will receive is guaranteed. For life. Depending on your individual circumstances, you can also choose to guarantee the income for the joint lifetimes of yourself and your spouse or other family member, or for a specific number of years. Once you own a Life Annuity, you will receive a guaranteed income that will never decrease – no matter what happens to interest rates, and no matter what happens to the stock market. You have no risk, the insurance company takes on all the market and interest rate risk.
No other financial product on the market can make these guarantees and provide them in writing. Not mutual funds, not stocks, not bonds, not municipal funds, not bank GICs. All of them are subject to interest rate or market risk, or they could be reduced to zero if you live too long. Only life annuities can specify and promise a guaranteed income – for life.
Annuity Calculator
Do you want an annuity income that will protect both you and your spouse or other loved one as long as either of you live?
This is easy to do with a joint life annuity, which guarantees a reliable income for the last survivor of two individuals, no matter how long they may live. But to do it right, it requires a little more information than an online form can handle. For any joint quotes, please call us at 1-888-970-1470 or email us. This annuity calculator will give you figures and general information about your potential income.
Disclaimer: This online calculator is for illustration and general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for advice. The figures this online tool provides are estimates only. They are not intended to be and should not be construed as binding offers.
The final and exact amounts of income you will receive will be determined by the annuity issuing company and written into the annuity contract. The contract, not this calculator, is the governing document.
The results you receive from this tool are products of the accuracy and completeness of the information you enter. Life updates prevailing interest rates and insurance company offering rates once each month. But tax laws, interest rates and market conditions are subject to change without notice.
The information and strategies on this site are provided for your general guidance and for informational purposes only. It is based on information we believe to be accurate, but cannot guarantee accuracy nor completeness as it applies to your specific individual situation. makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information on this page. Further, in using this online calculator, you agree that shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from errors or omissions in the information provided, or arising from any decision made on your part in reliance on information from this online calculator.
The calculator is not intended to be tax, legal or investment advice. Retirement, income and annuity planning are highly fact dependent, and require an individualized financial needs assessment. To ensure that the plans, products and strategies herein apply to your specific circumstances, you should additionally seek the services of a qualified and licensed professional.