No Money Left Over To Save For Retirement
via @globeandmail

Video from globeandmail
There are many ways to stop the continuous drain of money from your pockets. But you need to see big results quickly or otherwise you lose interest in the project.
Maximising your company benefits is certainly one of them. Next would be an automatic transfer of 15% of all your bank deposits to a separate savings account, not to be touched in any circumstances.
Stop paying Starbucks $2000, after tax, every year for coffee might be a third.
Review your insurance costs for your home, cars and life. Perhaps you can group them together and save a few hundred.
Because its the savings of hundreds that will keep your project well in mind; otherwise you return to your old habits of letting money flow freely.
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In this video, @brucesellery gives no quarter to people who say they can't find money to save.
— Rob Carrick (@rcarrick) March 19, 2014