Cashable annuities or cash refund annuities have become very popular of late for various reasons.
One of the main attractions of cashable annuities are just as the name implies, they are cashable. Clients are fed up with low interest rates at the bank that don’t even now pretend to keep up with inflation or the cost of living.
Cashable annuities offer a new way to use your age to get a better return, all the while getting the right to access your cash. So cashable annuities give you a better return, even if you don’t take advantage of this option
Retirement Income With Cashable Annuities
You can use these cashable annuities in your retirement planning. While receiving income from a pension or a regular life annuity for the major part of your income, cashable annuities provide some measure of flexible income.
Cashable Annuities Not Available With Prescribed Taxation
The cashable feature is not available because it contradicts one of the conditions for prescribed treatment. Prescribed treatment is only available when payments continue unchanged for a fixed term or until the death of the annuitant. This describes term-certain or life annuities, and does not include flexible life annuities that can provide for a lump sum payments such as commutation.
Example of a Cashable Annuity Quote
If you have an unexpected emergency of financial setback and suddenly need cash, the cashable annuity lets you access some or all of your guaranteed income payments. Here is an example of a cashable annuity quote for a male aged 65 with a $100,000 premium amount.

Cashable Annuity Quote
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