Categories: Retirement

Requirements for a Payout Annuity Quote

Below is the following  information required for a payout annuity quote.

Annuitant details

  1. Name
  2. Gender
  3. Date of Birth
  4. Province

Annuity details

  1. Purchase date
  2. Income start date
  3. Payment mode (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually)
  4. Source of funds (non-registered, rrsp, rrif, rpp, lira, lif)
  5. Premium amount
  6. Income amount
  7. Annuity type (single life, joint life or term certain)
  8. Guarantee period option (o, 5, 10, 15, 20)
  9. Taxation type (registered fully taxable, non-reg prescribed or non-reg accrual)

Payout Annuity Quote Example

What is a payout annuity?

A Retirement Payout Annuity is an excellent choice. The income is guaranteed because there is no market exposure. Annuities also offer a higher income rate than many other guaranteed income products and tax advantages for non-registered funds. An annuity gives you options that bring versatility to your investments.  For more information on payout annuity.


Posted by: Phil Barker: Phil is a leading expert in life annuities in Canada. His website Life Annuities.com is a recognized authority on annuities. Recently, he's been redefining how annuities are sold in Canada.