Categories: Retirement

Sun Life Money For Life

A life annuity company sends you a cheque each month for the rest  of your life. And that is what Sun Life is providing with its Money For Life campaign. It is emphasizing four strong values of its program which together build a support for  this Money For Life product.

The 1st value is the security. It is no use getting a great return on your registered or non-registered capital, if there is an unacceptable risk. This is why you need to  talk to your Sun Life advisor and get quotes and rates.

The 2nd value is simplicity which I believe should be the premier requirement. If you can’t understand the product why are you buying it? This should be the core of any product you buy, not just a permanent income which this Money For Life program is providing. The rate is available daily from LifeAnnuities.com as a broker for Sun Life Money for Life.

The 3rd value is stability which means long time value both in the history of the company and the likelihood it will continue.

The 4th value is that you receive a real benefit from buying this Money For Life product so speak to an advisor about whether to purchase a Money for Life program.

We handle all the quotes for you, giving advice on various details that go into this product including single or joint annuitants, deposit and income dates etc. And, as your Sun Life advisor, we’ll advise you on age limits, minimum amounts and the like.

Sun Life’s Money For Life product guarantees you and your family income for life.

    Posted by: Phil Barker: Phil is a leading expert in life annuities in Canada. His website Life Annuities.com is a recognized authority on annuities. Recently, he's been redefining how annuities are sold in Canada.